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Heartbleed -- What you need to do

Hopefully you've heard of Heartbleed, a security bug in the OpenSSL library. Perhaps, you've even been proactive in changing your passwords on major sites that have been affected by this security flaw, but if not; here's what has been recommended by industry sources.

Image Credit - Codenomicon

  • Change your Yahoo, Flickr and Tumblr passwords
  • Consider changing your Google, Facebook and Dropbox passwords
  • On your mobile devices, log out of all apps, then log back in again
  • If a service asks you to change your password, do so
  • If you have a Linux desktop computer, update the OS
  • Set up two-factor authentication everywhere you can
  • View the Heartbleed 'hitlist' - major sites that were and weren't affected by this security flaw

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Google Glass
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It's not too late to replace those XP devices...
Remember, even though support for Windows XP has ended, it's still not too late to take action. We are working with clients every week who still have XP on some device. Call us today at 281-403-9561.


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Microsoft issues Internet Explorer security fix
A recent security flaw in Internet Explorer allowed hackers to bypass protections in the operating system, leaving that computer open to infection when the user visited a compromised website. The Department of Homeland Security actually suggested that users change browsers until the problem was solved. If Automatic Updates isn't enabled, users are prompted to download and install the fix manually.

Some good may come from Heartbleed
While not discounting the headaches and the damage caused by Heartbleed, the bright side is that this OpenSSL vulnerability may actually force industry experts to change how open source code is termed secure. The Core Infrastructure Initiative, organized by the Linux Foundation and supported by the industry's biggest names, will begin to coordinate on open source projects and assess code for security. Read more.